Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Staging Idea

This blog post is really directed towards Najee.

So, we've been talking about a barn for the stage. But... I've been thinking. What about a TV set instead? Here's my reasoning behind it:

- This is a minstrel show, yes. But it is not just a minstrel show for comedy's sake. Instead it is a minstrel show that is making a commentary on the creation of the black image through white american media (and therefore the white american gaze- think of the people sitting in front of the tv screen, not just the people behind the scenes). That being said, it might be better to choose a set that will ultimately help us make commentary, rather than mimic the minstrel show.

- It can represent how as Black americans, we feel literally feel "boxed in" to these roles.

- Going back to the point about the audience... I feel that by putting people in front of a TV screen, I will be doing a few things. 1)putting the necessary amount of distance between the audience and the actors, in order for them to feel "comfortable" enough to buy into the world of the play while STILL engaging 2)giving them the choice to either be consumers or not to 3) setting up the fact that we eventually have to BREAK the tv, destroy media as it stands today

- This can help us tie in the cool visuals we were talking about. For example, the shadow puppet part I was talking about? We can have a scrim that comes down in between the set and the TV box for this. It can also help with the Zip Coon's "reveal". We can also have commercials!

- It will look really fucking cool. I'm thinking, when people enter the mainstage, there be a wall of TVs with old minstrel shows, the Censored Eleven, and other racist media clips on these tvs. Or on the side of the stage..?

Okay, yes! I am excited about this TV idea! I think this is the lead-in to the writing process that I wanted. More updates soon.

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