" In dignified and quiet language, two thousand Negro women of the Phyllis Wheatley Y. W. C. A. protested against a proposal to erect at the Capitol a statue to "The Black Mammy of the South." A spokesman carried the resolution to Vice President Coolidge and Speaker Gillette and begged them to use their influence against "the reminder that we come from a race of slaves."
This, of course, will rebuke forever the sentimentalists who thought they were doing honor to a character whom they loved. They desired to immortalize a person famous in song and legend. But that person's educated granddaughters snuffed out the impulse by showing that they are ashamed of her."
Read more:,9171,881326,00.html#ixzz17BEnE7tR
- "dignified and quiet language"
- "the reminder that we come from a race of slaves"
- "thought they were doing honor"
- "immortalize a 'person'"
- "they are ashamed of her"
Saturday, December 4, 2010
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